very strong
Generate a password

With this password generator one can generate secure and less secure passwords. The user can see the strength of the password on the strength bar. An user can choose the lenght of the password. He can select if he wants a lowercase or uppercase password or both. Additionally he can add numbers and special characters to give the passworde even more strength. Once clicked on the generate button, the password will be generated. The password can be copied to the clipboard with the corresponding copy button.

Your last generated data 1
  • +/lF){:^
Bulk password generator
  • hkF"V#:s
  • "#ag&2;f
  • X,,a<<9t
  • )~g)gA]+
  • /0HM4rJ=
  • tW)n<bVZ

What is a password?

A password is a string of characters or a word that is used as a form of authentication. With a password, the user can log into an application and prove his identity or simply access a resource that would be hidden without it. The longer and more special characters a password has, the more secure it is. Passwords need to be kept secret and entered only through encrypted connections online.